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Guys sesi lanjutan Vocab in News buat belajar bahasa Inggris nih. Lumayan buat nambah-nambahin ilmu. Cara belajarnya agak unik, dia ngasih translate untuk vocabulary yang agak susah, terus kita pake untuk ngertiin artinya deh~ good luck yak
Vocabulary in News adalah series pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dari Squline untuk mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris di dalam berita dari dalam dan luar negeri. Dengan ini kamu akan semakin mendapat banyak kosakata dan bisa mengerti isi berita bahasa Inggris tersebut. Sekarang belajar bahasa Inggris dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja melalui Squline. Tambahkan akun LINE @squline untuk bisa menanyakan langsung pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan fitur chat bahasa Inggris Ask Allaine.
1. vast
|vast| Adjective
sangat besar
example : a vast plain of buffalo grass.
2. centigrade
|ˈsen(t)əˌɡrād| adjective
kata lain untuk Celcius
example : the water boils at 100 centigrade temperature.
3. bleaching
kata dasar : bleach
|blēCH| verb
menjadi putih atau proses memutihkan
example : She is going to bleach her hair tomorrow.
4. coral reefs
|ˈkôrəl |rēf| noun
terumbu karang
example : the small island is enclosed in the middle of the coral reef.
5. emitting
kata dasar : Emit
|əˈmit| Verb
membuat dan melepaskan gas atau radiasi
example : Coal-fired power stations continue to emit large quantities of sulfur dioxide.
6. preserving
kata dasar : preserve
|prəˈzərv| Verb
menjaga dan melestarikan
example : The film has preserved all the qualities of the famous novel.
7. advancements
|ədˈvansmənt| Noun
kemajuan, keberhasilan
example : Their lives were devoted to te advancement of science.
8. breathtaking
|ˈbreTHˌtākiNG| Adjective
menakjubkan, mempesona
example : The scene was one of breathtaking beauty.
9. erosion
|əˈrōZHən| Noun
proses terkikis karena angin, air dan kekuatan alami lainnya.
example : The problem of soil erosion.

Article : Climate Change and Our Oceans
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Sometimes we stare into space with wonder and think of how small we seem compared to the many stars, planets and galaxies. According to Forbes, in 2016, the budget for NASA was USD $19.3 billion. A large amount of money is contributed towards space exploration every year, yet we have this almost alien world at the tip of our fingers. The ocean is a vast place filled with many beautiful animals and structures, but not many people are able to discover and experience the beauties; and may not be able to if temperatures continue to increase.
When we think of climate change, we often think about the atmosphere and the air; the warming of the atmosphere. An increase in one or two degrees centigrade does indeed affect the air around us, but not as strongly as it affects other parts of Earth. However, an increase in one or two degrees centigrade plays a large role in the bleaching of coral in coral reefs all around the world.
In the last three years, we have lost 50% of coral in our oceans. Many people have observed coral turning white (coral bleaching). If one observes coral that is white, they are essentially seeing the bare skeleton of the coral. The coral is still alive, but is not allowing anything to grow on it. Coral bleaching is directly attributed to climate change on Earth. The driving force behind the mass bleaching of coral reefs is global climate change caused by emitting carbon into the air.
Coral reefs, such as the Great Barrier Reef in northeastern Australia are a fundamental part of a large ecosystem in the ocean. Coral reefs provide a home for many sea creatures and are a key element of preserving ocean life. Fish such as clownfish have a developed a symbiotic relationship with sea anemone. If the anemone disappears, the clownfish will eventually disappear as well. This is the same case with coral, and the animals that depend on it.
Coral reefs play a large role in our everyday lives. Many cultures and communities rely on coral reefs for food fishing. Food fishing helps the economy while also helping preserve community life. With the technological advancements of 21st century, pharmacists are able to develop drugs that use elements of coral. Secosteroids, an enzyme used by corals to protect themselves from disease, is used to treat inflammatory disorders, such as asthma.
Coral reefs are breathtaking structures teeming with life. They provide protection for many species of sea creatures while also protecting our coasts from waves, storms, and even erosion. Coral reefs hold great potential for development of medicine that could help aid and possibly cure diseases. But without coral reefs, none of this is possible.
quoted from Tempo :