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Guys sesi lanjutan Vocab in News buat belajar bahasa Inggris nih. Lumayan buat nambah-nambahin ilmu. Cara belajarnya agak unik, dia ngasih translate untuk vocabulary yang agak susah, terus kita pake untuk ngertiin artinya deh~ good luck yak
Vocabulary in News adalah series pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dari Squline untuk mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris di dalam berita dari dalam dan luar negeri. Dengan ini kamu akan semakin mendapat banyak kosakata dan bisa mengerti isi berita bahasa Inggris tersebut. Sekarang belajar bahasa Inggris dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja melalui Squline. Tambahkan akun LINE @squline untuk bisa menanyakan langsung pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan fitur chat bahasa Inggris Ask Allaine.
1. State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry
Kementrian BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara)
2. Divests
|dīˈvest| (Verb)
Melepaskan, Mencabut
example : He has divested the original play of its charm.
3. Disburse
|disˈbərs| (Verb)
membayarkan atau pencairan dana
example : $67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed.
4. convert
|kənˈvərt| (Verb)
merubah, berubah
example : The production processes that converted raw material into useful forms.
5. smelter
|ˈsmeltər| (Noun)
Sebuah instalasi dengan fasilitas untuk mengeluarkan logam dari bijih logam dengan menggunakan panas dan mencairkan
example : The company owns plenty of smelter facilities all over the world.
6. Revenue
|ˈrevəˌn(y)o͞o| (Noun)
pendapatan atau pemasukan
example : This company has been generating a lot of revenue due to its product versatility.

Article : State Firms Ready to Buy Freeport Shares : Ministry
Jakarta, August 30th 2017
The State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry has said that SOEs are ready to take over the 51 percent shares of PT Freeport Indonesia, once the company divests its shares as part of the new contractual terms that are being ironed out with the government.
“We have submitted letters since last year that the SOEs are ready to take over Freeport Indonesia’s shares,” the ministry’s business restructuring and development deputy Aloysius K Ro said in Jakarta on Tuesday, as reported by kompas.com.
He said the letters had been sent to the Finance Ministry and the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry.
The ministry would establish a holding company through which mining sector SOEs would be able to purchase the Freeport shares, Aloysius said. He noted that the SOEs had the financial capability to buy the shares, as many lenders had had expressed their readiness to disburse loans toward the purchase.
Richard Adkerson, the CEO of parent company Freeport McMoRan, announced the mining giant’s agreeing to divest its shares at Tuesday’s joint conference with the government in Jakarta.
Adkerson also stated that the company had agreed to convert Freeport Indonesia’s contract of work (CoW) into a Special Mining License (IUPK), to build a smelter within the next five years and increase its contribution to state revenues from its Grasberg mine in Papua.
In return, the government will extend Freeport’s mining contract, which will expire in 2021, by another 20 years to 2041. (bbn)
Quoted from The Jakarta Post :