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Guys ane mau ngeshare info bagus buat belajar bahasa Inggris nih. Lumayan buat nambah-nambahin ilmu. Cara belajarnya agak unik, dia ngasih translate untuk vocabulary yang agak susah, terus kita pake untuk ngertiin artinya deh~ good luck yak
Vocabulary in News adalah series pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dari Squline untuk mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris di dalam berita dari dalam dan luar negeri. Dengan ini kamu akan semakin mendapat banyak kosakata dan bisa mengerti isi berita bahasa Inggris tersebut. Ayo lancarkan bahasa Inggris mu dengan banyak membaca dan berlatih dengan pengajar asing di Squline.com kursus bahasa Inggris online yang dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja. Tambahkan akun LINE @squline untuk bisa menanyakan langsung pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan fitur chat bahasa Inggris Ask Allaine.
1. notion
|ˈnōSH(ə)n| Noun
sebuah konsep atau kepercayaan terhadap sesuatu, gagasan, pendapat
example : Children have different notions about the roles of their parents.
2. synthetic
|sinˈTHedik| Adjective
terbuat dari kimia sintesis untuk meniru bahan natural
example : Nowadays they rather use synthetic than natural materials because it’s cheaper.
3. solvent
|ˈsälvənt| Noun
cairan yang digunakan untuk campuran larutan, pelarut
example : Use this solvent to mix with the cleaning solution.
4. mindfulness
|ˈmīn(d)f(ə)lnəs| Noun
perhatian penuh atau sadar
example : In order to achieve mindfulness during meditation, you have to have peace within yourself and with the outside world.
5. recertification
|ˌrektəfəˈkāSH(ə)n| Noun
sertifikasi ulang
example : Every 2 years, this factory plant has to pass the recertification process from the local audit organization.
6. thermal
|ˈTHərməl| Adjective
berhubungan dengan panas
example : Wearing a thermal underwear is a must during winter in Alaska.
Baca : Sistem Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing di Squline

Article : Imagine If Your Office Made You Healthier
The notion that a building can be “sick” has been around for decades.
The World Health Organisation first warned of the negative effects of indoor air quality in 1984, and from the start of this century, environmentalists and “building biologists” have been talking about “sick building syndrome”.
The idea is that buildings can make their occupants unwell through the sheer number of toxic chemicals in building materials, from compound board to synthetic carpets to cleaning solvents.
Recently Australian governments have tightened restrictions on the construction industry’s use of products known to cause health problems, from asbestos to formaldehyde.
But there are those who believe it’s time to go further: that the buildings we create shouldn’t just be health-neutral, their design and construction should actively improve human health and wellbeing.
Rating for wellness
Three years ago, an American public benefit corporation called the International WELL Building Institute launched a set of best practice standards for the construction of healthier buildings.
The institute’s ratings system involves judging a built environment against seven distinct “concepts”:
- air quality;
- water quality;
- nourishment (the sort of food available in a staff canteen, for instance);
- light;
- fitness (for example, how well the building’s design works to promote exercise);
- comfort; and
- mind (mindfulness).
“We spend 90 per cent of our lives indoors,” says Rick Fedrizzi, the institute’s chief executive.
“The way that the building respects us as human beings, to give us superior air quality, give us the right amount of light, making sure that the materials around us are non-toxic, that we have good encouragement to eat better and exercise — ultimately all that drives better sleep and drives us into the next day of a higher level of performance.
“People don’t intentionally try to design or build a bad building or a building that makes people sick. What happens is there’s not enough good information out there that really allows people to make better decisions.”
‘Green’ doesn’t always equal comfortable
Matthew Francis, a research industry fellow at RMIT, says the emergence of the building wellness movement reflects a failure of established green-rating systems to move beyond energy efficiency and sustainability.
What WELL offers, Dr Francis says, is a more human-centric focus.
“A building that is ‘green’ is ideally a building that has sought to use the least number of resources in its construction, but also in its ongoing operation,” he says.
“It’s trying to be as energy efficient as possible.”
But that, he points out, doesn’t necessarily equate to a building that will be pleasant to work in.
“You can think of your own home. You can imagine when you turn things off it’s the most energy-efficient it can be,” he says.
“But when dealing with large numbers of people in one place, i.e. an office, you then need to cater for different people’s needs such as their thermal comfort, their need for fresh air, their need for light in order to do the work.”
It’s a point not lost on Mr Fedrizzi, who previously ran the US Green Building Council.
“If a person or a human being is not in the building, all the building becomes is sculpture,” he says.
“When the human is introduced, everything that surrounds you, the kind of materials inside and outside, how much light and water affect us, all of those things are driven by the human beings that are inside.”
Quoted from ABC Australia :
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