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Guys sesi lanjutan Vocab in News buat belajar bahasa Inggris nih. Lumayan buat nambah-nambahin ilmu. Cara belajarnya agak unik, dia ngasih translate untuk vocabulary yang agak susah, terus kita pake untuk ngertiin artinya deh~ good luck yak
Vocabulary in News adalah series pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dari Squline untuk mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris di dalam berita dari dalam dan luar negeri. Dengan ini kamu akan semakin mendapat banyak kosakata dan bisa mengerti isi berita bahasa Inggris tersebut. Sekarang belajar bahasa Inggris dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja melalui Squline.com. Tambahkan akun LINE @squline untuk bisa menanyakan langsung pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan fitur chat bahasa Inggris Ask Allaine.
1. Spokesman
|ˈspōksmən| Noun
Juru bicara seseorang atau sebuah organisasi
example : He is the spokesman for Greenpeace.
2. affectionately
|əˈfekSHənətlē| Adverb
menunjukkan ketegaran, semangat, kecintaan
example : Tammy embraced the girl and kissed the top of her head affectionately.
3. atop
|əˈtäp| preposition/adverb
On the top of , di atas
example : The air raid siren atop of the courthouse.
4. prompting
|ˈpräm(p)tiNG| Noun
mendorong, membujuk, mengingatkan seseorang untuk melakukan atau mengatakan sesuatu
example : After some prompting, the defendant gave the police his name.
5. uproar
|ˈəpˌrôr| noun
keributan atau kekacauan
example : It caused an uproar in the press.
6. apology
|əˈpäləjē| Noun
permohonan maaf
example : I make no apologies for supporting what i believe is true.
7. overreact
|ˌōvə(r)rēˈakt| Verb
respon berlebihan
example : They are urging people not to overreact to the problem.
8. inadvertent
|ˌinədˈvərtnt| Adjective
tidak disengaja
example : An inadvertent administrative error occurred that resulted in an overpayment.

Article : Jokowi Forgives Malaysia Over Flag Flop : Spokesman
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has forgiven the Malaysian organizers of the 29th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games in Kuala Lumpur for misprinting the Indonesian flag in the event’s opening ceremony guidebook, Jokowi’s spokesman has said.
Pictures of the book showing the affectionately dubbed Red-and-White placed upside down, with the white atop the red, quickly went viral on Aug. 19, prompting an uproar on social media.
Presidential spokesperson Johan Budi said Jokowi had indeed waited for an apology from the Malaysian side since the incident occurred.
Now that Malaysia’s Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin has formally apologized to his Indonesian counterpart Imam Nahrawi, all parties should move on, he added.
“Most importantly, they have apologized and withdrawn the books,” Johan said at the Presidential Compound in Jakarta on Monday.
“Of course [the President] has forgiven them if they apologized,” he added.
Johan said Jokowi hoped Indonesians would not overreact to the incident.
Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman has also released a statement of apology to the Indonesian government.
“On behalf of the government of Malaysia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to express regret for the inadvertent error made by the Malaysian Organizing Committee [MASOC] for the wrong publication of the Indonesian flag,” the statement reads.
Khairy has also met with Nahrawi to personally apologize.
Taken from The Jakarta Post :